▶see the phone = 看到手机(本身)Have you seen my phone anywhere?你看见我的手机了吗?▶look at the phone =看那个手机Look at the phone! It has a foldable screen.看那个手机,是折叠屏的。watch表示看”在移动的东西”,如watch the clock = 看表(表针是移动的),watch TV = 看电视(电视画面是动态的)。check表示下意识的看一下手机,有没有新的消息。例句:Don't check your phone at the dinner table.别老在吃饭的时候看手机。▶2.look through the phone 翻看手机
例句:I told you to trust me, why did you still look through my phone?
我跟你说过要相信我,为什么还是要翻我手机?Just look through my phone.我就是翻两眼手机。那么问题又来了:“玩手机”用英语怎么说?难道是play the phone?真的不是啦,一起来看看~
Play的确有“玩”之意,但play后边接的是直接玩的对象。比如:play football。
如果你说“play the phone”,那就相当于把手机当成球一样踢了。
▶play/spend time on the phone我们平时所说的“玩手机”并非把手机当成玩具一样玩,而是说在手机上玩游戏、看新闻等等。例句:Is it wrong to let my child play on my smartphone?让孩子玩手机,这样做对吗?▶check ones phone
我们可以用check ones phone来表达“看手机”、“玩手机”的含义。例句:According to a study, those aged 15 to 24 on average check their phones every 8.6 minutes, more frequently than any other age group.一项研究显示,平均年龄为15-24岁的人每8.6分钟就要看一次手机,比其他年龄组的人更频繁。▶be addicted to the phone/cell phone addiction
be addicted to表示“沉迷于”,适合形容手机重度患者。例句:Surveys show cell phone addiction is on the rise.很多研究表明,人们沉迷手机的现象呈上升趋势。那,关于看手机玩手机就说这么多,接下来学习一下看手机和玩手机会产生的一些情况,用英语如何表达~
余额不足=Balance is insufficient例句:Your account balance is insufficient.您的账户余额不足。
Sorry, you don't have sufficient balance. You only have 3000 RMB.您的信用卡余额不足,只有3000元。
例句:The battery in our car had died.我们汽车的电池已经没电了。
The battery is dead. It needs to be recharged.电池没电了,它需要重新充电。没电的手机就仿佛dead一样毫无反应,没毛病!
例句:Don't tell me there's no service!别告诉我这里没信号!
The reception is really bad here. 这里的收讯很差。
看书看到的是书本身,不是里边的内容,所以这样表达是不正确的~例句:I can't read your writing.我读不懂你写的。▶2.我在看邮件
(✕)I'm looking/seeing/watching my email.这么说,在别人听来,就是盯着邮件看,而不是看里边的内容。
I'm checking the email →查一下是否有新邮件I'm reading the email →读某一封邮件I'm looking through the email→看看都有谁发来了邮件,看邮件列表
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